Project Lead the Way
Do you like to solve problems? Do you like math and science? You may be the right student for the Career Center’s Engineering Program. Engineering is a growing field across the nation, offering high pay and a broad array of job opportunities.
The Career Center’s Engineering Program draws upon Project Lead the Way, a national program that prepares students for success in post-secondary engineering and engineering technology programs. To learn more about the courses offered in the engineering curriculum, click here. The Career Center program currently includes Introduction to Engineering Design (PLTW I — Introduction to Engineering) which is taught both at students’ home schools and at the Career Center for Arlington Tech 9th and 10th graders, PLTW II- Principles of Engineering as a first year course, and as an optional second-year, PLTW III- Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Engineering Design & Development.
First-year students work individually and in teams to solve hands-on engineering problems. They design a ping pong ball shooter, build and destroy a model bridge and learn 3D computer modeling… in short, lots of fun stuff but with a serious purpose: To teach the way engineers think about and solve problems.
Second-year students work on advanced projects like controlling robots and other machinery with computers, and finally forming their own business to market an engineering solution to a problem they choose.
Students completing this two-year Program can receive / qualify for:
- COLLEGE CREDIT–at Old Dominion University, which offers up to six college credits for each year of the Engineering program completed with a B or better average.
- Also, a list of additional schools which may give credit for our engineering classes may be found here.