
Advanced Academics & Talent Development

Advanced Academics and Talent Development

Welcome to Advanced Academics & Talent Development at Arlington Career Center!  Please take a look through the helpful links in the menu on the left to discover more about what  Arlington Career Center has to offer our growing scholars.

Arlington Public Schools is dedicated to maximizing the strengths and potential of all students so they may become self-confident, well-rounded, responsible and productive citizens. Many gifted students need opportunities to think abstractly, work at various rates and levels of complexity, and pursue tasks independently. In addition, students eligible for advanced academic services need opportunities to learn with others of like abilities, as well as opportunities to develop social relationships with others of all abilities.

At ACC, we support this goal, as our mission is to instill a passion for learning by doing. Our vision is to be a united community of self-directed learners empowered through authentic academic, industry, and life experiences to actualize our personal aspirations.

At the high school level, Advanced Academic Coaches (AAC) collaborate with teachers as they support students. We provide professional development opportunities, co-plan, as well as model and co-teach lessons all with the goal of developing differentiated learning experiences that deepen, enhance, and enrich student learning.

Please use the information here to learn more about advanced academic services, as well as learn more about possible opportunities for student enrichment. Please email me if you have any questions or need support.

Kristin Johns, AAC