
Engineering & Project Lead the Way

Project Lead the Way

Do you like to solve problems? Do you like math and science? You may be the right student for the Career Center’s Engineering Program. Engineering is a growing field across the nation, offering high pay and a broad array of job opportunities.

The Career Center’s Engineering Program draws upon Project Lead the Way, a national program that prepares students for success in post-secondary engineering and engineering technology programs. To learn more about the courses offered in the engineering curriculum, click here.  The Career Center program currently includes Introduction to Engineering Design (PLTW I — Introduction to Engineering) which is taught both at students’ home schools and at the Career Center for Arlington Tech 9th and 10th graders,  PLTW II- Principles of Engineering as a first year course, and as an optional second-year, PLTW III- Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Engineering Design & Development.

First-year students work individually and in teams to solve hands-on engineering problems. They design a ping pong ball shooter, build and destroy a model bridge and learn 3D computer modeling… in short, lots of fun stuff but with a serious purpose: To teach the way engineers think about and solve problems.

Second-year students work on advanced projects like controlling robots and other machinery with computers, and finally forming their own business to market an engineering solution to a problem they choose.

Students completing this two-year Program can receive / qualify for:

  • COLLEGE CREDIT–at Old Dominion University, which offers up to six college credits for each year of the Engineering program completed with a B or better average.
  • Also, a list of additional schools which may give credit for our engineering classes may be found here.